物語 - その他関係 22 - 五箇条の御誓文 - 明治天皇 |
五箇条の御誓文 Gokajo no Goseimon 慶応三年(1867)十月、徳川幕府将軍・徳川慶喜は大政奉還を行い、王政復古となる。明治元年(1868)三月、明治天皇は五箇条の御誓文を発布して、日本は立憲君主国家として立ち行くことを宣言された。江戸は東京と改名し、御所(皇居)は京都から東京へ遷り、日本は近代国家への道を歩みだした。明治に生を受けた一世は、誰もがこの「五箇条の御誓文」(ごかじょうのごせいもん)を暗誦し復誦したそうだ。( 竹村) 五 箇 条 の 御 誓 文 一、広く会議を興し、万機公論に決すべし。 一、上下心を一にし、盛に経論を行ふべし。 一、官民一途、庶民に至るまで其志を遂げ、人心をして倦まざらん事を要す 一、旧来の陋習を破り、天地の公道に基づくべし。 一、知識を世界に求め、大に皇基を振起すべし。
我国未曽有の変革を為さんとし、朕身を以て衆に先んじ、天地神明に誓ひ、大に斯国是を定め、万民保全の道を立てんとす。衆又此旨趣に基き協心努力せよ。 睦仁 明治天皇 明治元年三月十四日
In 1867 (Keio 3), Shogun Yoshinobu of Tokugawa Bakufu government turned over his authority to the Emperor of Japan. In the following year, Meiji 1 (1868), Emperor Meiji issued Gokajo no Goseimon (Oath in Five Articles) proclaiming that Japan would be governed as a constitutional monarchy. Edo changed its name to Tokyo and the Imperial Palace moved from Kyoto to Tokyo, and Japan took its first step towards becoming a new modern nation. All Issei who were born during the reign of Emperor Meiji memorized and recited Gokajo no Goseimon often (in Japanese). - Takemura
Oath in Five Articles (English translation by Donald F. Keene)
Deliberate assemblies shall be widely established and all matters decided by public discussion. All classes, high and low, shall unite in vigorously carrying out the administrative affairs of the state. The common people, no less than the civil and military officials, shall each be allowed to pursue his own calling so that there may be no discontent. Evil customs of the past shall be broken off and everything based on the just laws of nature. Knowledge shall be sought throughout the world so as to strengthen the foundations of imperial rule.
一世パイオニア資料館 - isseipioneermuseum.com - 2013 |