Japanese American Issei Pioneer Museum
In Honor of the Struggle and Sacrifice of First Generation Japanese in America

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Stories - Issei Stories
05 - "1893 Hawaii Emigration Announcement" - Kan Nabeshima
"1893 Hawaii Emigration Announcement"

An Official Announcement by Kan Nabeshima, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture in 1893 (26th year of Meiji).

To all people of Hiroshima prefecture who emigrate to Hawaii for work :

You are ready to leave for the country which is 3,000 miles away leaving behind your beloved parents, wives and children. The primary purpose for this is to earn and save enough money so that you can live comfortably after coming back home.

Work diligently for 3 years and be sure return to your home with money after completing your contract. Go, but do take good care of yourselves.

(Translated from original Japanese Document below.)


        広島県知事  鍋島 幹
明治26年 (西暦 1893 年)


茲に出稼者は最愛なるる父母妻子に離れ、三千里の波濤を越え遠く彼の国に赴くものにして、 其の目的は皆金銭を儲蓄し他日故郷に帰り安穏に世を渡らんとするに他ならず。




Japanese American Issei Pioneer Museum - isseipioneermuseum.com - 2010